Board of Directors Approved 12/07/06
November 2, 2006

Present: Young, King, Passalacqua, Sullivan, Williams, Machado, Hakenen, Hotaling, Fisher, Curtola, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hon. James F. Moelk (Ret.)
Newly Elected: Tharp, Angen, Martin, Tauber
Guest: John Sconza, Co-Chairman Budget & Finance Committee

2007 Operational Budget - Sconza
The Budget & Finance committee recommends a dues increase of $18.00 per month (4.8%), to fund the break even budget. The budget for 2007 will meet member requests for continued emphasis on funding the golf course improvements recommended by the USGA and our Green Committee.

2007 Capital Improvement Fund - Sconza
The Budget & Finance committee estimates new member sales at 23 @ $12,500 transfer fee = $280,000.
Projects and replacement items to be presented to the Board in order of need and by department in two phases, (Phase 1 = $140,000) and (Phase 2 = $140,000). The Board will review CIF expenditures periodically during the year 2007.

Hakenen motioned to approve the budgets as presented, Sullivan seconded. One opposed. The motion carried.

2007 Fees & Charges - Sconza
The charges and fees schedule of items to be increased was tabled. The Board requests clarification as to how the increases will impact the budget.

Funds For Completion of Three Projects - Sconza
Cart paths in process $110,000
Concrete work at #2 fairway $ 18,000
S.I.D. $107,000

The Finance committee is recommending Board approval to use available funds from CIF with the funds from the Master Plan to complete these three projects. Machado motioned to approve, Hotaling seconded. The motion carried.

Tennis Social Room - Sconza
The committee proposes to complete the tennis social room at a cost of $61,500 to be paid from transfer fees of Social memberships. The immediate funds to come from CIF and to replace the CIF funds with the Social transfer fees. Sullivan motioned to approve, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

Election of 2007 Officers
President Bob Williams
Vice President Hon. James F. Moelk
Treasurer Lea Fisher
Secretary Trey Curtola

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Application: Maher
Social Application: Aquistapace, Biggs, Josephson
Hakenen motioned to approve the applications, Sullivan seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note of one Notice To Sell and one reduction in an asking price. The notices will be effective November 3, 2006.

Committee Reports
Green: Cart path work is underway. The paths on #13 and #14 have been completed. A contractor was hired to do the drainage work on #10.
Asphalt Path by #2 Tee: The committee is requesting to authorize DHR to pave an asphalt path by the #2 tee from the condo's. GVCC member Kerner, will pay for the project in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Young requested a letter of intent from Kerner prior to beginning the project. The Board approved the request subject to receiving a letter of intent.
Golf: The Senior Invitational request was tabled for the 2007 committee to select a date. The Golf Pro will be temporarily working from home some Fridays thru the winter months.
House: The furniture for the Main Lounge has been ordered.
Tennis: Activity is increasing.
Buildings & Grounds: A meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2006 to explore security cameras and revisit installing a gate at Country Club Drive.

Board Minutes of October 5, 2006
Sullivan motioned to approve, Curtola seconded. The motion carried.

2006 General Membership Meeting
The Board of Directors discussed several suggestions made at the October 19, 2006 General Membership meeting.

Member / Guest Conduct
A motion was made and failed for a 30 day suspension for two members for "conduct unbecoming of a member." The Board is requesting the By-Laws committee to make a recommendation on guidelines for disciplinary procedures. Sullivan motioned to send a warning letter to the members. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.

Hotaling motioned to adjourn, Sullivan seconded. The motion carried 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa M. Sottana, Assistant to the General Manager